Red Vermead 


If you are unsure what Vermead is, it is made in the same manner as Vermouth, but it uses Mead as its base instead of Grape wine. (More about  VermeadTM and Vermouth can be found here)

My Red VermeadTM is almost dry, but not quite. It is as bitter as it needs to be, but not just bitter for the sake of it. The wormwood shines, the rest of the herbs are all there in the mix and the fruit, berries and honey hold it all up high.

The aroma initially conjures an image of Citrus and herbs in an Italian kitchen. The taste tantalises, it is as brilliant as an aperitive, as it is a cocktail starter. It is also a brilliant conversation starter. VermeadTM 

It has taken some time to craft Meads that are suited to blending into a  VermeadTM , I think I have nailed it, I really hope that you agree.

Crafted in the same traditional manner that Vermouth is,  VermeadTM  is made from a variety of Meads that have been fermented specifically for the task, much more flavour than in most meads, and some flavours left out until the blending and tweaking.

Not all of the flavours start in the fermenter, this is what makes  VermeadTM a unique product. Some of the ingredients are steeped in spirits until they are needed, some are dry toasted and crushed just before use, some are used fresh and steeped in warm mead, some are added to the ageing barrel. Each ingredient is treated in the manner that brings its best flavours to the mix.

The color comes from Rosehips, Hibiscus and Elderberries.

And of course the Brandy used to fortify it has been carefully selected.

Making this satisfies the inner Chef in me, it is a complex recipe with many steps. 

From a different base mead I am crafting a Dry  VermeadTM , A Sweet  VermeadTM  and my Oaked Gold Signature  VermeadTM .

Will yours be shaken or stirred?



  VermeadTM is a registered trademark of Oaked Gold